One of the arduino tutorials was for a theremin. With a few modifications I was able to properly express my sophisticated musical abilities.
Arduino code follows (prolly doesn’t make TOO much sense without the wiring schematic… if there’s interest I’ll put up a picture).
int sensorValue; int sensorLow=1023; int sensorHigh=0; const int ledPin=13; void setup(){ pinMode(ledPin,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH); Serial.begin(9600); while(millis()<5000){ sensorValue=analogRead(A0); if(sensorValue>sensorHigh){ sensorHigh=sensorValue; } if(sensorValue<sensorLow){ sensorLow=sensorValue; } } digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW); } void loop(){ sensorValue=analogRead(A0); int pitch=map(sensorValue,sensorLow,sensorHigh,50,4000); tone(8,pitch,20); delay(10); Serial.print(sensorValue) Serial.print(" ") Serial.print(pitch) }